Grow your coding skills to advance your career path

IIUCCPS is the competitive programming society of IIUC (International Islamic University Chittagong) , focused on promoting and enhancing programming skills among students through various competitions and activities.

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Having categories such as newcomer, beginner, and intermediate allows you to organize and cater to learners at different stages of knowledge and skill development. Let's explore the benefits of each category

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C language is essential for low-level programming, system development, and foundational understanding.


C++ is important for versatile development, performance, and expanding career opportunities.


Competitive programming enhances problem-solving skills, algorithmic thinking, and prepares for coding challenge.

Improve your skills by helping others

Become a Mentor

Join our team as a mentor and inspire the next generation of learners, guiding them on their educational journey, and making a lasting impact in their lives through your expertise and guidance

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Become a Trainer

Be a part of our team as a trainer, where you can share your knowledge and passion, empower others to learn and grow, and contribute to shaping a brighter future through education and skill development

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"Hello programmers of IIUC!! We are excited to announce that on May 19, 2023, IIUCCPS will host a Rating Based Individual Programming Contest"